See the Big PictureSee the Big Picture

Jenne Meyer, director, global strategic marketing GE Healthcare

‘Without understanding the entire situation, we may not fully understand the problem.’

In her role as director of global strategic marketing at GE Healthcare, Jenne Meyer must be adept at persuading on multiple levels, thus requiring her to use both quantitative and qualitative justification to build persuasive business cases.

Why is qualitative justification important when convincing a person or group to say “yes”?

There is usually a need for a story to accompany the data. The data helps to distinguish between certain offering elements, but the qualitative story works best in terms of building the value proposition. For example, we can speak to the need and the market potential of selling to our hospital customers, but without understanding the entire situation, we may not fully understand the problem.

Data alone does not articulate the full needs of the customer, and to be able to build an offering to meet those needs, we must understand the customer’s story.

After all, it’s their perspective that matters.